Today; on 02 June 2022, at Centre St Paul Kigali Ltd held one-day training of 45 RARICO members on general practices of poultry farming. The crowd discuss on poultry breeds and species available in Rwanda which also are suitable and lowly costed during farming such as Sasso, Kuroiler and Isa brown. Trainees understand the processes of treating chicks from one day to the production (laying eggs and meat).

Management processes include housing, lighting, heating, brooding stage, pest and predator’s management, feeding and water provision, vaccination schedule, diseases and treatment and biosecurity measures. The training has been sponsored by Ministry of Environment through City of Kigali for supporting agriculture youth projected negatively impacted by covid-19. Trainees will receive chicken for farm activities and further members socio-economically satiable. Practical training will are scheduled to be soon.

