03 Aug 2020

Information is essential in every project

The main objectives of Animal Resources Production & Extension Services:
Coordinating and facilitating demand articulation, planning, implementation and reporting on Projects and Programs for improve animal resources production
Participating in policy design, implementation and dissemination on matters relating to animal resources production
Establishing, updating and implementing capacity development programs for multiplication and management of improved animal resources production

Information is essential in every project. #RARICO is pleased to work with local people to improve the production .

We understand that your property is a big investment and we want our customers to know that we are there for them to help them accomplish the dreams that they may have for there property.

03 Aug 2020

Animal Resources Production

Animal Resources Production and Extension Services The Animal Resources Production & Extension desk is under the supervision of the Head of Department of Animal resources in RAB. Its main service to the public is the provision of technical advice to prospective livestock entrepreneurs and extension services to farmers and industries in animal resources production.


We understand that your property is a big investment and we want our customers to know that we are there for them to help them accomplish the dreams that they may have for there property.  Our professional staff helps you add value to your property and make your property the envy of the neighborhood.

Despite the challenge of Covid 19, #RARICO arranged to train fish farmers on fish management and pond rehabilitation.


Animal Resources Production and Extension Services The Animal Resources Production & Extension desk is under the supervision of the Head of Department of Animal resources in RAB. Its main service to the public is the provision of technical advice to prospective livestock entrepreneurs and extension services to farmers and industries in animal resources production.